You can be motivated by words or be inspired by actions. But the greatest motivation is the power to start what you want for your life. Those who lack the courage to start are already finished in life. Desire
and determination are the starting points of all life achievements, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen strong desire with full determination transcends everything. Until you know where you are going and your reason for going there, you are not going anywhere in life. Without purpose any efforts can be a complete waste of time. Success is getting what you want while happiness is loving what you get. Fortune favors the bold, be bold to take any decision concerning your life. Those who run away from their own battles are ignorantly helping other people fight their wars. Some people succeed because they are destined, while some succeed because they are determined. Destiny and determination can make anybody succeed in life, both needs action. Not all actions brings success but there's never a success without action in life. Actions without prayer is a nightmare but prayers without action is day dream. When you remove common sense from hard work, it becomes a hard labor. Prayer Is Asking GOD for rice while foolishness Is waiting on HIM For Spoon. Miracle and magic is never the same. GOD is a GOD of miracle HE doesn't do magic. Stop living your life hoping and waiting. Stop grace singing of other people and and start your success story. Don't live your life procrastinating because the future listens to no excuses. There are only two ways to regret in life, BEFORE AND AFTER. Those who choose to regret after may regret for life. Whatever you sow today is what you reap tomorrow. Do something with your life before life starts doing many things to you. You may not be responsible for how you were born, but you're the only one who is responsible for how you live your life. Failure is not the opposite of success but a part of it. Some experience in life can bring you to the point where you are asking where do I go from here? Who comes around when I cry for help? E.T.C....Life is best lived forward. You can't change the past but as the river keeps flowing, you have to keep marching on...Wishing you all a wonderful week
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